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Create Q&A tools at lightning speed

Drag and drop your legal and compliance content into Josef Q, creating digital tools your business will love in minutes.

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As easy as 1, 2, 3!

Josef Q’s simple three-step creation wizard makes it easy for anyone to build Q&A tools.

Upload your content, give your tool a name, and begin asking questions in minutes!

Drag and drop your knowledge base

You have control over what Josef Q knows – just select the relevant policies, standards or playbooks, and drop them into the tool.

Your Q&A tools will only draw responses from this content. No hallucinations!

No coding – just GenAI

Josef’s Q’s proprietary pre-processing capabilities means that you can deploy GenAI in legal and compliance without a single line of code.

No need for APIs, developer playgrounds or a team of GenAI engineers! Let us show you the way.

Josef organizes large amounts of data for quick analysis and retrieval, and its simple user interface means you don’t need any technical experience to use it.

Stephanie Goutos, Practice Innovation Attorney - Gunderson Dettmer
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Josef Q

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Josef No-code

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Book a Josef Q demo

Learn how you can create AI FAQ tools to:

  • provide scalable guidance and advice
  • make policy and regulation content easy to access
  • improve consistency and accuracy

Schedule a live demo to see the tool in action and learn how legal, compliance and HR professionals are saving time, scaling their services, helping more people, and delighting clients with Josef Q.

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