“The goal was to stop tailoring multiple documents for these companies. To have a nice form for people to complete, that they could very clearly understand what they needed to do. And it did exactly that.”– Matt Vitale, Birchal Co-Founder
When completing a transaction, time is of the essence for investors and their advisors. People don’t have the time to draft a high volume of simple legal documentation and chase others for signatures.
So, this equity crowdfunding business decided to make this manual process effortless, saving time and impressing clients along the way.
Business was flourishing for Birchal. And as its client roster grew, its legal documentation needs did too.
Birchal had to prepare multiple types of legal declaration documents for different directors and managers. This required identifying the right template documents, customising and emailing them to the correct person, and following up to ensure
the final document was filled out properly, signed and returned on time. Some clients were simple, but others needed multiple declarations for up to 8 people.
The days before offers are launched are time-critical and important to Birchal’s clients, and at this time the declarations become essential. Birchal Co-Founder Matt Vitale saw an opportunity to automate this manual process, increase its efficiency and reduce the friction when stakes are high and every hour counts.
Birchal quickly transformed their declarations from template documents into Josef bots, making life easier for Birchal and its clients.
Instead of the manual process, Birchal only needs to send clients a link to their bot. By breaking the task into separate parts, the bot reduces friction and helps clients get the job done.
The bots generate pre-filled declarations, gathering information in a chat window, and send them directly to the clients’ inboxes to sign and return.
Birchal has full visibility of their client’s progress and documents, with information stored securely, centrally and accessible at any time on Josef’s platform.
“The goal was to stop tailoring multiple documents for these companies. To have a nice form for people to complete, that they could very clearly understand what they needed to do. And it did exactly that.”– Matt Vitale, Birchal Co-Founder
Saved per form
Replacing 3 manually tailored templates
At the most critical times
Through automation, Birchal made the process more efficient, without compromising quality or service.
Having the bot to select and tailor the required declaration documents was faster than Birchal doing it manually. Allowing clients to self-serve and fill in their details also means quicker turnaround, fewer errors, no missed documents, and reduced need for corrections or amendments.
“The goal was to stop tailoring multiple documents for these companies. To have a nice form for people to complete, that they could very clearly understand what they needed to do. And it did exactly that,” Matt commented.
Birchal estimates each interaction saves them around 15-20 minutes.
Importantly, the bot frees up valuable time when it’s needed most, allowing Birchal to engage with its clients on more critical matters in the final days, hours and minutes before an offer is launched.
Currently Birchal is saving around 105 hours per year, and this time saving will easily scale as Birchal continues to grow its business and clients.
“We’re a small team. We wouldn’t be able to close as many deals as we do without Josef. It’s a tool that our team has come to rely on,” Matt added.
By breaking the task into simple pieces, the bot helps clients get the job done. The simple, friendly format empowers and motivates clients to complete the conversation and return the declarations documents promptly.
Birchal says many of its clients commented the bot is ‘an excellent improvement’ on having more legal attachments in their emails.
It’s a win-win for Birchal and their clients, as it’s quicker and easier, it reduces the need for dreaded follow-ups, and improves the turnaround time.
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