Josef Q - Frequently asked questions


What is Josef Q?

Josef Q enables you to create AI-powered Q&A tools to answer questions about policies, regulations, contracts and other corporate content. 

What can I do with Josef Q?

Upload content from policies, agreements, and more, to create interactive Q&A experiences. Once created, users can get answers to regulatory, policy and compliance questions at the right time and in a language that everyone understands.

Who is Josef Q for?

Josef Q is for anyone looking to share knowledge and deliver accurate answers fast. Legal, compliance and HR teams are among the common groups that automate with Josef Q. 


How does Josef Q work?

Josef Q answers questions based on the content uploaded by the Q&A tool’s creator. Using cutting-edge large language model technology, Josef Q:

  • assesses the question,
  • searches the Q&A’s knowledge base for an answer, and
  • returns an answer in natural language.

Creators can train their tools to improve answer accuracy over time, and keep an automated audit trail.


I am an existing Josef customer. Is this tool included in my Josef licence?

No. This is a product that’s been developed by Josef but is entirely separate from Josef’s legal automation platform. The two are hosted separately and accessed via separate sets of credentials.

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