
It’s showtime! Josef’s vision for 2023

Boo! 2023 is a rather unsettling time to be in law…

What with a shaky economy and increasingly tight budgets,  but not to fear! Entering stage left is Josef *bows majestically* to help soothe your woes.

Jokes aside, this year Josef is doubling down on making sure our customers see value fast, with a suite of platform enhancements – did somebody say “AI”? – a range of plug-and-play world-first solutions, and a renewed commitment to making legal services more accessible for all, including with a new US-based LT Lab

Are you ready? This year’s going to be one for the books.

Here’s the Josef founders’ vision for 2023.

Josef's founders scheming away, left to right: Kirill Kliavin, Sam Flynn and Tom Dreyfus

Josef's founders scheming away, left to right: Kirill Kliavin, Sam Flynn and Tom Dreyfus

More value, faster

With an economy that’s on the rocks, our customers’ work on Josef needs to be paying off big time. With this in mind, co-founder & COO Sam Flynn notes, “in a year where it seems it’ll be harder to extract value from anything, we’re going to make it easier than ever.”

Co-founder and CEO Tom Dreyfus knows this all too well.

“The current economic climate remains, shall we say, a little uneasy and we’re cognisant of the fact that legal teams of all shapes and sizes are bearing the brunt of increasingly tight budgets.”

“A storm is definitely brewing economically, but, for us, this serves as an opportunity to stand by our customers’ sides by developing new ways to ensure they’re getting bang for their buck.”

“That’s why this year we’ll be releasing a suite of innovative features to further bolster an already powerful platform that doubles down on our commitment to make legal automation easy and accessible for everyone.”

As Sam notes, “we already have the easiest no-code automation tool in the market which our customers love. Now, we want to make the building experience as seamless as possible and ensure every bot launch is one to celebrate.”

“We want to make the building experience as seamless as possible and ensure every bot launch is one to celebrate.”
– Sam Flynn, Co-founder and COO, Josef

Did somebody say AI?

Enter co-founder and Solutions Architect Kirill Kliavin.

“Ever since Josef first emerged on the legaltech scene, the platform has been renowned for how quickly people can build digital tools. We’ve built a beautiful and unrivalled end-user interface and connected it with a range of platforms that allow customers to use their data exactly how they like. Josef’s document automation tools remain the go-to means of expediting everyday legal tasks.”

But what’s next?

“When we started Josef five years ago, people would ask, ‘Do you use AI (artificial intelligence) or natural language processing?’ At the time, the technology wasn’t there yet, but the technology has since matured and we’re identifying more and more real-world applications that we believe will benefit our customers.”

“2023 will be a year of experimentation for Josef. We’ll be looking deeper into the possibilities of AI and exploring how best it can be incorporated into the platform to help our customers do what they already do, but better.”

The team that makes it all happen, posing under the Indonesian sun

The team that makes it all happen, posing under the Indonesian sun


AI aside, Josef is also set to launch a range of plug-and-play solutions to kickstart customers’ builds in new, faster ways. 

“At Josef, we’re uniquely positioned thanks to our partnerships with companies like InfoTrack and LexisNexis, who are pillars of the legal profession,” says Tom.

“This year, we’ll be exploring new ways to harness our partners’ content so that builders across our customer base have access to an expansive library of solutions, powered by global legal knowledge providers.”

“Our customer base will have access to an expansive library of solutions, powered by global legal knowledge providers.”
– Tom Dreyfus, Co-founder and CEO, Josef

Compliance made easy

In 2023, you’re also likely aware of the endless regulatory hoops you need to jump through when trying to advise clients or your business. But, if it feels like a circus for some, we have noticed a distinct lack of trapeze and pyrotechnics. Sad! 

As Tom notes, “Automation is our bread and butter, and it is particularly applicable to regulatory compliance pain-points, driving simplification, centralization, and control.” 

“Just look at the law firm ArentFox and how its team undertook a global regulatory audit using just one bot. Or Cowell Clarke and the innovative way its team responded to Modern Slavery regulations. MinterEllison’s recent DINa bot™️ is another great, public-facing example and we want our customers to reap similar rewards.”

“With our upcoming AI adventures, our plug-and-play solutions with LexisNexis and our growing LT lab, Josef customers in 2023 will have all they need to simplify otherwise brain-twisting legal tasks. It’s going to be a piece of cake!”

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